studies & reports

Our Vision: Healed families. Transformed communities.

In the short-term, People Serving People supports families in crisis. Our long-term goals are to prevent homelessness, and help families find stability.

Check out the following independent studies, resources, & reports that inform our work.

One half of children from low-income homes are not “ready to succeed in school,” according to kindergarten teachers. Effective parent engagement programs, like People Serving People’s programs, help address this need.

Value of Parent Engagement
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation — 2017


Understand the prevalence, causes, circumstances, and effects of homelessness.

Minnesota Homeless Study
Wilder Research — 2018


Where we live shapes how well and how long we live. From stable housing and transportation to economic opportunity and public spaces that support play, we can all collaborate and help children and their families thrive.

Healthier Communities Start with Kids
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Culture of Health Blog — 12.10.18
